We love it when women stand out! Not only because of their accomplishments but because of their character! Blessing Okagbare, Africa’s fastest woman has been getting a lot of buzz lately, not just because of her medals (which are clearly very impressive) but because of her drive and focus! She shares some of what inspires her on this Nike Interview,…
We are all passionate about something. But most times passion isnt enough! How do you scale your passion to create opportunities for income? That’s what my guest vlogger Uzo Orimalade, CEO of Uzo’s Food Labs is talking about- How to turn your passion into a business. Uzo provides personal insight from her own journey as she transitioned from an investment…
2 weeks ago I published an article on how to acknowledge your own beauty. I think many women spend so much (unnecessary) time fussing and fighting about what they look like instead of embracing their true beautiful selves! I watched this video on BuzzFeed and I just had to share it. “There is no need to love your body with trepidation…”…
In recent weeks, we’ve published a 2 part article on the do’s and dont’s of the side hustle and we received great feedback. However, I think we need to take a few steps back and actually help to demystify the very early start up stages and challenges that must side hustle entrepreneurs face. Whether you’ve started a side hustle to…
The most inevitable thing in the world is death. Yet, many of us, especially in Africa shy away from discussing it. Personally, I find death to be the most powerful motivator to live. We take each breathe and the seeming promise of tomorrow for granted and we procrastinate. We live our lives in the future. One day I will….tomorrow I…
Haters! Everywhere! No matter what you do these days, there always seems to be someone somewhere who isn’t satisfied or has a complaint. Critics….they can make you or break you. I find these days we concentrate too much on the person giving the criticism rather than the merit behind their comments. Granted, people need to learn how to frame negative…
By Kim Kimberling for proverbs31.org What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”Romans 8:31 (NIV) When I tell people that my wife Nancy and I have been married 45 years, I almost always hear “Wow!” and “That’s great.” I appreciate those comments, but where we are today has been…
By Katy MacKinnon Hansell for Huffington Post Woman As a career, executive and leadership coach, a question I get asked the most is: “Can I do what I love and still make a living doing it?” My answer is always a resounding “YES!” So what are YOU waiting for? Let’s get YOU going… Here’s my proven formula to get you into work…
Friendships. One of life’s necessary ingredients. Complicated little monsters that can make life quite difficult or filled with laughter and pleasant memories. It has struck me that while we spend so much time evaluating how our friends have betrayed us or let us down….we dont spend as much time thinking about how good a friend we’ve been. For a long…
It’s hard. With images of perfect, long limed, slim, small waisted and wash board stomachs floating around, to feel you measure up or come even close to what society terms as beautiful. Sometimes we think beauty is about change. If only I could be slimmer, taller, had a bigger butt, smaller nose, cat like eyes, smaller forehead, longer hair…..we modify…