My biggest fear is dying without fulfilling the reason for which I was created. I believe everyone on earth is created for a purpose. We aren’t just pawn pieces, moved at the whim of the gods. No. Each of us was made because we have something the world needs. And that need is tucked away deep within us and requires…
By Lysa Terkeurst “You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept.” Matthew 5:14 (MSG) I used to think it was crucial for me to know God’s will. If I knew His grand plan for at least this season of my life, then I could direct all my decisions to fall…
Whether it’s a new car, owning our own home, getting married, having a family or building a legacy our dreams represent picturesque visions of the future. We day dream about it, fine tuning the picture until its just right. We believe God has sent us to open a new business, marry the man of our dreams and build a family,…
By Lynn Cowell Mary responded, ‘I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.’ And then the angel left her.” Luke 1:38 (NLT) Lord, I’m not sure I can take one more rejection. No. No. No. Every email I received said the same thing, using different words. We don’t publish that type of book. We don’t publish writers we…
By Lynn Cowell “For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin …” Romans 6:6 (NIV) Girls’ weekend was finally here! I was so excited to be going away with my two girls and their friends, that…
I have a profound belief that every living thing was created by God on purpose and for a purpose. We aren’t morphed apes roaming the earth, blown by the winds and circumstances of life only to turn into dust. We are created to be and do life for a reason. And that reason is illuminated by the ignition of our…
We all know God’s promises by heart. We know when to say amen to prayers for blessing, increase, healing and prosperity. But rarely do we talk about the part we need to play in receiving these promises. We have somehow managed to turn God into a money doubler, put 100Naira into the offering basket on Sunday and receive 1million by Monday…
By Karen Ehman Then they believed his promises and sang his praise. But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his plan to unfold.” Psalm 106:12-13 (NIV) My son Mitchell was a curious child. When he first learned to talk he often repeated the same three phrases to his dad and me: “Why?” “How?” and…
I am impulsive. In my quiet moments my mind is in constant churn, orchestrating new ideas and making plans. I wake up ready to jump right in and learn as I go. This means I learn how to swim on my feet and I’m quite flexible with the change of the tide. However, it makes me a hopeless planner. Although…
I’ve been struggling with prayer. I oscillate between not having anything to say and reading out a wish list of needs, wants and desires. ‘Father bless me, protect me, guide me’…and then my phone beeps and I take a quick peek to see who it is…. On other day, I forget completely, remembering only when I’m in a fix or need…