
#Spirit: Pray because God is Our Father

#Spirit: Pray because God is Our Father

I’ve been struggling with prayer. I oscillate between not having anything to say and reading out a wish list of needs, wants and desires. ‘Father bless me, protect me, guide me’…and then my phone beeps and I take a quick peek to see who it is…. On other day,  I forget completely, remembering only when I’m in a fix or need help. ‘Lord I’m sorry I haven’t prayed but please can you help me sort this out…pretty please’.

Mark Driscoll’s video on prayer is a remarkable reminder on what prayer really is. It reminds us that above all else, God is our FATHER. So prayer is simply talking to Daddy. Telling daddy about your day, telling Him thank you for paying the school fees and helping you out when your rent was short or just giving you tough love when you needed it.

He says concentrating on the knowledge that God is your father and letting that guide prayer is the key to actually praying. The words themselves are revolutionary in their simplicity. There is no prayer formula….’speak in tongues for 30 minutes then read the bible and declare God’s promises for the next 20’….no….it is a straight forward talk time with papa! So today, lets stop with the gimmicks. lets put away the prayer gymnastics and just talk….lets pray how Jesus taught us to pray…..Remember it starts by saying….Our Father…

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