
#IBGCAMPAIGNS: Happy International Women’s Day!- What Makes Me Bold?

#IBGCAMPAIGNS: Happy International Women’s Day!- What Makes Me Bold?

Hello ladies! Happy International Women’s Day! A day set aside to celebrate women, discuss issues and proffer solutions for gender parity. YAY!


This year the theme is #BeBoldforChange and honestly we love it. Not only because change definitely does require boldness, but because we as women are bold! We just need to dust off  the pressure to conform to society and stop bowing to the need for external validation. Tough to do…easy to say! That’s why we decided to launch a social media campaign asking women what gives them the courage to be bold? We believe that by finding the inner motivations for boldness, we can fuel the opportunity and potential for women to not only learn and take steps towards boldness but also realize that being bold and bringing change also starts with us!

Check on our campaign…please don’t forget to share and leave your comments on what makes you bold!

Francesca Uriri
Founder, Leading Ladies Africa


I know you asked for a few lines, but perhaps it’s important to say this. I’m not always bold, courageous or fierce. Sometimes, I’m riddled with fear and anxiety. But here’s the thing: I’ve learned to move forward INSPITE of my fear. I’ve learned to knock on doors even when I’ve heard “no.” I’ve learned to get back up all the times that I’ve fallen. I’ve learned to ask for help, to not pretend as if everything is “great.” But most of all, I’ve learned to be driven by the strength of the vision I have, to trust God always, and to stay focused on the goals I want to achieve. That’s how I get the courage to be bold.

Ivie M. Eke

Writer at www.classicallyivy.com and Author.


I am bold simply because I have to be bold. Writing gives me the courage not only to share thoughts which I hope readers will enjoy; it also makes me a more creative, disciplined and happy woman.

Chioma Agwuegbo-

Founder Techher

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I stand on the shoulders of women who have held and continue to hold my hands who help me to do and be better. I realise that I have a responsibility to be that for other women.

Chinny okoye
Founder, The women International


I’ve developed my confidence that nothing can get me down. There’s nothing that I know by Gods grace that I will not be able to overcome. I have taking a vow to love myself unconditionally, the good, the bad and the ugly and that has given me the courage and motivation to improve myself in order to be the best I can be, body, mind and spirit.

Aisha Augie-Kuta

Photographer/Media Consultant

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I am quite self aware; aware of both my strengths and weaknesses. This gives me the confidence to boldly maximise my strengths while working on my shortcomings; nobody is perfect. It is a conscious thing, failure doesn’t scare me anymore so I never hesitate to try. I stay focused by telling myself ‘Bold, Be Brave’.

Raquel Jacobs

Founder, Beyond the Classroom Foundation


I’ve had many reasons to give up on life than I’ve had to keep pushing but I didn’t. For me, courage is the ONLY option. And the amazing thing about courage is that if you gain it in one area, it trickles over into every other area of your life. I am bold and courageous because I want other girls to be inspired and believe that they can achieve whatever they set their hearts to achieve

Joycee Awosika
Founder/CEO Oriki Group


My boldness comes from the scripture “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Phil 4:13. Life is a marathon and running a business can be petrifying but once I knew where my strength comes from there was absolutely nothing that could prevent me from running for the prize at full speed utilizing bold action.

Nkem Onwudiwe

Founder Her Network

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My passion for life and the desire to do more than just exist gives me the courage to be bold. Bold enough to live my truth, Bold enough to stand out and speak up, Bold enough to positively influence the lives of people i encounter in my lifetime. Bold enough to constantly improve and unapologetically evolve, to be the change that i would like to see in the world

Wana Udobang

Journalist, Poet and Film maker

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I don’t think about being bold. I am motivated by living my life to the fullest. I don’t want to live a life of regrets.
Didi Akinyelure

BBC World News Komla Dumor Award Winner 2016

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Its all about confidence. And confidence is key to success in my career as a journalist. If you don’t believe in yourself and your capabilities, who will? I am bold because I know who I am.


Peace Hyde
West Africa Correspondent Forbes Africa and Forbes Women Africa

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Being unapologetic about the woman God has destined for me makes me bold. I believe there is power in finding your purpose and when we are living that purpose, we become bold to overcome any challenges that come our way.
The courage to be bold comes from my faith and my belief that my steps are guided. I am nothing without my faith and I believe when you have that unshakable foundation in God, you have the courage to achieve your fullest potential.

What about you? What makes you bold?

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