
#InspireMondays: Tyler Perry: ‘Do Not Stop Believing’…

#InspireMondays: Tyler Perry: ‘Do Not Stop Believing’…

Its the first day of the month of September, only 4 months left of year 2014. I don’t know what hopes, aspirations or goals you set for yourself this year or if you have achieved them. I only know one thing, no matter the circumstance you must continue to believe in yourself.

Tyler Perry is an actor, producer, writer and director with big movie titles under his belt like the ‘Why did i get married?’, ‘Daddy’s little girls’; ‘I can do bad all by myself’; and all the Madea follow-up movies. With a net-worth of about $400Million, in 2011, he was named as the highest paid man in entertainment by Forbes. Perry’s success comes with a long line of disappointments, hard work, God’s grace and self belief. 

I’ll never forget my 25th birthday. I spent the first half of my morning filling my pillowcase with tears. I felt like a complete failure. I felt I hadn’t achieved anything. My friends, family and all those around me seemed to be doing so much better and I couldn’t seem to measure up by any standard. Then I came across Zechariah 4:10: Do not despise the days of little beginnings. It was like balm to my aching heart. Today, years after, I don’t feel by any sense of imagination that I have arrived, but I do not despise these moments of my seeming inadequacies and incomplete goals. I put one leg in-front of the other and keep it moving and on days when I feel the weight of  not quite measuring up, I go back to my Source and allow Him to remind me why I do what I do. So even if your great idea hasn’t been noticed, yet, don’t feel discouraged. Keep believing in yourself and working hard and one day you’ll find yourself crossing the finish line.


Incase you aren’t familiar with Tyler Perry’s rise to fame and his persistence against all odds, here’s a short video which summaries it all.


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1 Comment

  • BC September 9, 2014 6:02 pm

    I look up to Tyler Perry. Thanks for reiterating.

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