Becuase of what I do, I meet a lot of women who tell me they don’t like to network because they feel shy, awkward, one kind, scared of rejection or seeming desperate etc…can I tell you the truth? I experience the same feelings DAILY.
Sometimes when I walk into a room, I feel like the fattest woman there. I sometimes don’t feel beautiful or even smart enough to be in that room. Sometimes, I am shy, afraid that people won’t like me or get me. And sometimes I am just not in the mood. Over the years, I have learnt how to overcome this by doing a series of things which I now want to share with you in my FREE NETWORKING STARTER PACK which contains essential guides for building professional relationships, so you no longer have to struggle with networking and building valuable relationships you need to succeed in your career.
1. The first thing I did was get clear on my goals so I know exactly what events to attend. That’s why in the starter pack I have included- My networking Goals workbook which will help you identify what events to attend and what networks to belong to based on your goals
2. The Next step is understanding how to actually network at events. So the Networking Starter Pack includes the How to Network at an Event E Guide- which shows you what to do before, during and after a networking event –
3. Also networking involves talking to strangers which can seem awkward if you don’t know what to say- So in the Starter Pack I have also included the Networking Conversations Starter- 13 questions to help you start conversations with absolutely anyone at a networking event.
Click HERE to download my free networking starter pack and get the tools to identify your networking goals.
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