
#InspireMonday: Believe in Yourself

#InspireMonday: Believe in Yourself

The tired adage is true, ‘no one will value you more than you value yourself’. But in this world, where we are constantly competing and comparing ourselves, only to helplessly fall short, how can we see any value in who we are?

When I started the Inspire Series, all I had was a feeling. I wanted to do this, I can’t tell you why and I sure didn’t know how. I had no experience, and didn’t look like anyone I saw on TV, but somewhere deep inside me, I knew I could. So I did. There are times I doubt myself and I know I have so much to learn but every day, instead of listening to the doubts in my head, I choose to believe I can.

It must be the same for you. The truth is, if you are waiting for the world to validate you before you make a move, you may never take a step. The only way to achieve is to believe. Believe that you can and you will. Off course, I am not talking about blind belief, I am talking about action and belief in tandem. Your belief must propel you to action, to fight for the actualisation of your dreams no matter how many people tell you ‘no’.

Here are 5 steps for learning to believe in yourself

  1. Stop comparing: We live in a competitive world and it is difficult not to use others as a yard stick to base our lives. However, you cannot compare apples and oranges. Each is a fruit but has its own unique taste and shape. The same is true for us all. If you are going to believe in yourself, you must compete with only you. Aim to be the best version of yourself every day.
  2. Love yourself: there is too much self hate, especially with women. I know I have sort of become a spokesperson for self love but it really is the foundation for achieving anything in life. Many of us would not speak to others the way we speak to ourselves. From today start loving all that you are.
  3. Know what you want to do: Many of us have been living in other peoples shadows for so long, we can’t hear our inner voice. We’ve spent so long competing, wishing we were someone else or just going with the flow we haven’t taken time to really think about what we want to achieve and why. But if we could take out time to really understand our goals and life’s purpose, it would excite us into action.
  4. Do not be afraid: Most of us are afraid. We are afraid to hope and afraid to fail. Failure never killed anyone. In fact fear and doubt are bigger dream killers. Many of the most successful people we know today have failed and continue to fail one way or the other. So allow yourself the freedom to fall and stand up again.
  5. Surround yourself with the right people: When I’m at the gym, and need to do my sprints, I listen to specific kinds of music. Songs that are about power and have really quick beats. Somehow, the sound pushes my legs and the time goes by really quickly. What you hear, affects your performance and your belief in yourself. If you are to drown out the noise of doubt, you must surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you and encourage you towards your goals.
  6. Be like Nike: After all is said and done, the only way you will achieve anything is by doing. So just do. No matter how hard, how tough and how difficult it is, no matter your doubts and fears…each day, get up, shake yourself and just do it. The more you do and see results (no matter how small) the more likely you are to believe in you capabilities.

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