
2016: The Year of Personal Development

2016: The Year of Personal Development


 I love New Years! There is something about crossing over, seeing that clock count down the seconds until 12:00 and the shouts of HAPPY NEW YEAR that follows. The hugs, kisses and sometimes tears that accompany these jubilation creates an atmosphere of faith, hope, excitement and even love.

The only problem with New Years can sometimes be within us. Not necessarily in the way we celebrate the entering of a New Year but the attitudes, beliefs and habits we take into the year with us.  No matter the resolutions, promises, wishes, dreams and ambitions that accompany any new year, we are still who we are. The baggage of last year, failures, disappointments from  unmet goals and unrealised ambitions are still piled up in our hearts- unless we actively seek to change our habits and mindsets as eagerly as we flip the calendar.

I cannot count the amount of times I have written resolutions, told myself I would get fitter, work harder, save more or just be a better person and found nothing (or very few things) had changed by the end of the year. So as much as I love the celebrations that usher in the year, it can also be quite a daunting period for me.


This year, I have decided to adopt a different approach. As much as I have similar goals from the year before, the difference is in the strategy. I am concentrating less on the ‘what’ and more on the ‘why’ and ‘how’.  The truth is we all have headline type goals, we want to be slimmer, richer, fitter and better. But why do you want these things and how will you achieve them? Checking in with your motives and strategy, in my opinion, provides the fuel to keep going when results seem far away or non-existent.

So this year, Inspired by Glory will focus on refining the underlying motives behind our ambitions and giving us the tools to realise them. We will put emphasis on the how, and provide our readers with the strategy, capacity and skill to achieve their goals. This will be the year of personal development, the year we grow in knowledge and ability because it is by consistently doing the how (the right way) that we will arrive at the ‘what’.

We are looking forward to being part of your personal development as you journey towards success and ultimate fulfillment of achieving your goals.


Glory Edozien

Editor in Chief

Inspired by Glory

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1 Comment

  • Iyabo Oyawale February 3, 2016 8:44 pm

    When goals are backed by emotions, they almost, always get attained. That’s what exploring the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’, does. When you decide to achieve a weight loss goal to lower your blood pressure, there’s emotion involved. And, such goals, when properly articulated (and backed by the right mindset), get achieved. It’s good to know that Inspired by Glory is making this year the year of personal development.

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