
WCW- Kanyin Adio-Moses

WCW- Kanyin Adio-Moses

Kanyin Adio-Moses is the Founder of EBK COACHING (ETIQUETTE BY KANYIN LTD), a bespoke Etiquette Consultancy Company, providing Etiquette Coaching and Consulting services to a variety of individuals and companies.

She is a passionate Etiquette coach with a vision to alleviate the degenerating Etiquette culture in Nigeria.

1. What is the biggest motivation behind your brand?

The biggest motivation behind my brand is seeing millions educated and reoriented about the importance Etiquette, Character and Values, and leveraging themselves in whatever sphere of life they happen to be in.

2. How do you define success?

Success to me is truly finding fulfillment in whatever you are doing – impacting others positively and adding value to their lives.

3. What has been your biggest challenge and how have you surmounted it?

The biggest challenge thus far would be ‘manpower’, finding the right team, ensuring they understand our values and committed to staying with us the long haul.

Kanyin Adio-Moses

4. What would you say has been your biggest success?

We are truly humbled to have been selected and featured by ‘You Win Connect’, an initiative of the Ministry of Finance, for young entrepreneurs. Alongside this, we count our blessings daily, starting small and grateful for growth.

5. Which women do you crush on and why?

I admire Sara Blakely , Inventor of Spanx She has built a phenomenal brand, has a great family unit and such a fun personality.

6. What are the 3 items you couldn’t do without and why?

My phone – Essential for communication Note pads – I write EVERYTHING down, my mind constantly whips up ideas and I’ll forget if I don’t write them down. Motivational books – They keep me going

7. What advice would you give your younger self?

Save and invest, having a good Financial track record really does go a long way. Wish I had done more of that.

<img src=”http://inspiredbyglory.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/WCW2.png” class=”size-full” title=”Kanyin Adio-Moses” width=”719″ height=”595″ alt=”Kanyin Adio-Moses“>

8. What advice would you give to women everywhere?

You are ENOUGH!! There is something unique about you, you have a reason why you have been placed on this earth. You do not have to do what everyone is doing, follow your purpose and passion, be comfortable in your own lane, stay happy and content. Surround yourself with those who are genuinely grounded and who can influence you positively.

<img src=”http://inspiredbyglory.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/WCW1.png” class=”size-full” title=”Kanyin Adio-Moses” width=”719″ height=”595″ alt=”Kanyin Adio-Moses“>

9. What would you ask your future self?

Hmm…interesting question!!

What have I achieved?

Have I impacted others positively and made a difference to their lives?

Have I built a sustainable business?

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