
#WCW: Folu Storms AKA Ada Afoluke Ogunkeye

#WCW: Folu Storms AKA Ada Afoluke Ogunkeye
We love Wednesdays!!!! Although we crush on women everyday, Wednesday gives us an extra excuse to shed the spotlight on our latest crush and the ‘amazingness’ that they are!
Meet Folu Storms
Also known as Ada Afoluwake Ogunkeye, an actor, broadcaster and explorer in addition to being a trained Barrister and Solicitor  with, a love for travel, a thirst for good music and a passion for African excellence. Popularly known as the radio Personality “Folu Storms”(fondly called Folu) you can find her weekday mornings from 6-10 am  on the air at Smooth 98.1.
 She brings to the table a variety of experiences: having worked for years with major brands across Africa (Ndani, Spinlet, GTBank and MTV Base Africa to name a few) she has created travel and entertainment content like the AMVCA Nominated travel documentary “ The New Africa”; where she entertains and informs global consciousness by  showcasing the beauty, diversity and cultural importance of the African lifestyle
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IBG: What is the biggest motivation behind your brand?

FS: Adding value. I try to make sure what I’m saying, doing or wearing is helping someone somehow.

IBG: How do you define success?

FS: Being able to spend time with the ones you love in the ways you would love to without worrying about the financial implications.

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IBG: What has been your biggest challenge and how have you surmounted it?

FS: My biggest challenge has been a mental one, I’m a tough critic of myself and I’ve had to learn to be kinder to me. Becoming more involved in prayer, meditation and exercise has helped in keeping my perspective balanced and reminding me even if I stumble, I must just begin again. This applies in all areas of life.

IBG: What would you say has been your biggest success?

FS: This is a tough one because there’s so much I want to do still. I think my proudest moments have come from working and laughing with my support systems in life and seeing them be proud of the work I continue to do. So my biggest success has been building and cultivating a team spirit with my work colleagues and in my family life. Team work makes the dream work.

IBG: Which women do you crush on and why?

FS: Hmm… that’s tough. The first person to come to mind is Yvonne Chaka Chaka because of the way she has used her platform as a Singer to elevate the human condition of so many. A champion of many causes including the eradication of Malaria, Aids and Poverty.

The Women in my life are my next major source of inspiration, from Mumsie to my Sisters Ifeoma, Barong and Bodam, my Aunts my friends. They collectively teach me so much everyday about how to be a better Woman and I love them so.

IBG:  What are the 3 items you couldn’t do without and why?

FS: Three items I can’t do without- phone, a book/my kindle, and a pair of comfy trainers.

IBG: If you could ask your future self anything what would it be?

FS: How wealthy have we become and are you placing happiness as a life priority? 

IBG: What advice would you give your younger self?

FS: Be consistent and stay focused. It all pays off.

IBG: What advice would you give to women everywhere?

FS: Support and love one another. Teach your Sons to Support, respect and love Women.

IBG: What would you ask your future self?

FS: What are the winning lottery numbers? 🙂


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