
Inspire Series Webisode 8: God and Purpose

Inspire Series Webisode 8: God and Purpose

My biggest fear is dying without fulfilling the reason for which I was created. I believe everyone on earth is created for a purpose. We aren’t just pawn pieces, moved at the whim of the gods. No. Each of us was made because we have something the world needs. And that need is tucked away deep within us and requires careful excavation of social obligations and noise to unroot it.

Interviewing Lydia was in many ways an affirmation and a wake up call. In her own simple way, Lydia makes a direct link between fulfilling her purpose and her relationship with God. She starts not from a position of requesting numerous blessings from her maker but from a stance of love and worship. something many of us forget to do. It is in the place of real relationship with God that she finds herself. She finds who God wants her to be by sitting on His lap and pulling on His beard. This is the same position we too must find ourselves. Not distracted by our needs, wants and desires but consumed by our love and need for God. Maybe this is why we get so frustrated with our lives and endless unanswered prayer request, because we are constantly just throwing requests at Him without bothering to know the person whom we are making these requests to. Lydia also makes clear that purpose isn’t necessarily linked with glamour fame and fortune. Sometimes, our fulfilment comes with just doing what we are meant to do. Not how many people praise or notice what we are doing or the awards that may or may not accompany us.

Please watch, be INSPIRED and share…….

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