
Build Your Empire With Social Media

Build Your Empire With Social Media


In our society today, harnessing the power of social media is imperative if you want to grow your business and grow your brand. Every entrepreneur or aspiring entrepreneur who has yet to try out the power of social media needs to start working on creating a stronger online presence.

The following tips will guide you in expanding your social media presence and your business.

1. Be consistent.

When it comes to your posts, your message and how frequently you use social media, keep consistency in mind. It is truly the key to success with any social media campaign. Make a plan for what you’re going to post and how often you’re going to post, and stick with it. This should ideally be a few times a day or a week, depending on your goals and your following. You can’t go from posting once a month to five times a day and then back and expect to have an engaged following.

2. Use all social networks.

You may have a social network that you prefer over others, but it doesn’t mean that all of your followers feel that way. If you want to be successful with social media, then you need to post across all networks. This means having and maintaining an account with all of the big social media sites, including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

3. Format content to optimize for each platform.

Maintaining accounts across all of the major social media platforms doesn’t mean posting the same thing on four different sites every day. It means formatting content specifically meant for each platform. You need photos for Instagram, long posts for LinkedIn, videos and memes for Facebook and short and snappy announcements for Twitter. All of your posts should be different, even if they are delivering the same message.

4. Discover the network that works for you.

There are some networks that are going to work better for you than others. When you find that network that really works for your specific type of business and your specific type of customer, then you need to really push on that network and take advantage of the opportunity.

5. Make sure that your content aligns with your message.

When it comes to building a strong social media presence, getting likes and follows is great. However, it’s about more than just the number of responses each of your posts get. You may be tempted to deliver a post that simply gets a lot of attention, but that will do nothing for your brand if you don’t make sure that the content aligns with your message. Everything needs to fit within your brand identity and promote what it is that you’re trying to say to the world.

6. Some important content won’t be popular, but you still need to post it.

There are a few types of content that typically don’t get a lot of likes and shares, including testimonials, charity posts, press features and important blog posts. These are really important pieces of content when it comes to establishing your validity in the market, yet they aren’t the type of posts that typically get a lot of attention. Just because this type of content isn’t getting likes or shares doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be posting it. It may not be popular, but it helps build a foundation and reference for your company.

7. Find a balance between popularity and business.

Simply put, you want to be popular on social media. However, you need to find that balance between popularity and business. You need to have a little bit of both and mix the more fun side that wants popularity with the serious and informative side that boosts the reputation of your business.

8. Use social media to amplify all of your business and marketing efforts.

You’re going to have business and marketing plans outside of your social media campaign. After all, a successful marketing plan is varied and robust. A solid social media plan only adds to your efforts and makes them more successful. It’s an affordable, yet greatly under-utilized platform that can help with virtually every aspect of your business development.

Here’s to growing a successful empire.

Let’s share on the impact social media has had on our businesses.

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  • Imaobong September 20, 2016 1:26 pm

    I really do agree with the point of consistently and a specific scheduled posting time being key, especially at the beginning stages.
    You’d need people to see that you’re committed and you’re worth their time, and that would only be stamped in their heads overtime — I’ve learnt that much most especially from Twitter.

  • Firi Kamson September 22, 2016 6:05 pm

    Used social media a lot when I started. Wish to go back using it again

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