
#WCW- Our Founder Glory Edozien

#WCW- Our Founder Glory Edozien

Haha! I guess it’s a little vain to crush on yourself, but if you are a self professed lover of yourself like me….maybe, just maybe, it’s ok?

I really enjoyed answering these questions and I hope you enjoy reading as I did answering. So here goes….

Meet Glory Edozien

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Glory Edozien is the founder of Inspiredby Glory, a personal development and lifestyle platform for women. She holds a PhD in Real Estate and Environmental planning from the University of Reading, UK and is a Certified expert in climate change and renewable energy finance from the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (Frankfurt School) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) collaborating center. She is also an alumni of the world Economic Forum Global Shapers and was recently listed as one of the 100 most inspiring Nigerian women by Ynaija- a list which also includes Arunma Oteh, Ibukun Awosika and Chimamanda Adiche. Glory is part of the pioneer set of Grooming for Greatness fellowship which aims to create a pipeline of African leaders.

She is a versatile writer and speaker on climate change and environmental policy and women empowerment, self love and personal development. Her popular columns in Guardian Woman and Bellanaija.com are targeted at challenging the status quo and perceptions which prevent women from reaching their potential. Through Inspired by Glory, she hopes to create a platform which not only challenges but expands the narrative of African femininity and ultimately build a community of women who are unencumbered by culturally defined roles and socially restrictive contextualisations

IBG: Why do you do what you do?

GE: This is a difficult question because there are so many answers. First off, I think I started IBG because I was looking for answers. I was looking for something more from life, I felt confined to a life that other people wanted for me and that life didn’t seem to fulfill or challenge me. So I started looking for women who were doing extra ordinary things with their lives and the more I researched them, the more I realized that there must be women like me too who are seeking for answers, seeking for more. I decided to share what I found and the rest as they say is history. Today, I do what I do because I can’t stop. Everyday I come across women who could be much more, who are struggling to birth the life they want and need help. They feel undeserving, unloved, lack confidence and don’t know who they are or see their own potential. I was once like that. Waiting for someone to tell me I was beautiful or that I was good enough. But now I know better. So I want to create a place where women can find themselves and the tools to live their best life.

IBG: What motivates you?

GE: I know that life is fleeting. One day, I will wake up and I’ll be eighty. It will be the time of my children and grand children. I want that time of my life to be one of fulfillment. I don’t want regrets. I don’t want to sit down and wonder what if I did this or what if I did that- because we can never go back. That’s my biggest motivation, to find out why God created me and to do all I can to live in that purpose.

IBG: How do you define success?

GE: Previously I defined success by accolades, awards, money etc. And if I am honest, a part of me still does. But now I am learning to define success in more incremental steps. Success is in the process, in the development of character, understanding of self and doing what you love. Anything else is a bonus

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IBG: What keeps you grounded?

GE: My dreams keep me grounded. When I look at where I am and where I want to be the gap is so wide, I know I still have further more to climb. Plus networking can also be a deeply grounding experience, so many people are doing amazing things, feeling special is not even possible. Also my family members and friends. One word and they will cut me down to size. My faith also teaches me the importance of humility. Nothing I have is mine. Everything is a gift so I try to approach life as a responsibility rather than achievement.

IBG: What has been your biggest entrepreneurial challenge and how have you surmounted it?

GE: Getting started! I never thought I would run my own business. I always assumed I would be a career girl who steadily climbed the ladder. So business has been quite a challenging terrain for me. I surmount it daily by learning, reading and asking people for advice.

IBG: What has been you biggest success?

GE: This is going to sound so contrived but it is the honest truth. My biggest success is knowing who I am. Finding myself and getting to love me for me. Nothing I do today would even have been possible. Once I began to know myself, understand my weaknesses and focus on my strengths I saw that my dreams were not only valid but there were possible.

IBG: What advice would you give to entrepreneurs?

GE: There is so much advice to give and even more I need to receive but if I was to choose one thing it would be to trust your journey. The path of an entrepreneur or even a career person is never straight. There are turns, highs and lows, good and bad days but always remember why you started, be gentle with yourself and find the right people to support you.

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