Fidelity and faithfulness seem to be old-fashioned values in our times. It’s becoming really common to hear of men who are not only having affairs, but sometimes maintaining separate families in different parts of town! Now don’t get me wrong, there are as many good men as there are cheats, and many women rightfully trust their partners. But just…
Whoever said love is blind probably was referring to how we miss with flashing neon do not enter signals that surround a potentially dead end relationship. But somehow, we fashion love out into a thick blind fold and proceed without counting the costs of our decisions. In this video, I highlight some of the potentially dangerous pitfalls we can miss…
So there is the wrong way to have a fight and then there is a right way to have one. When there is a disagreement or you feel offended by your partner, the best way to resolve the situation is to communicate this to them. But sometimes, try as you might, fighting seems inevitable. Tempers flare, harsh words are said…