
#Spirit: Hold on to your Dreams

#Spirit: Hold on to your Dreams

Whether it’s a new car, owning our own home, getting married, having a family or building a legacy our dreams represent picturesque visions of the future. We day dream about it, fine tuning the picture until its just right. We believe God has sent us to open a new business, marry the man of our dreams and build a family, start a new venture…and then we take the first step and realise just how many steps, sleepless nights, fights, arguments, heartaches, failures, missing pieces are involved in achieving our dreams.

Joyce’s video couldn’t be a more accurate representation of what dream chasing is all about. The picture is beautiful but ohhh does it take some time, effort and support to put it all together. Thing is with our dreams we cant rush it. Like a puzzle we must fit one piece at a time, we must focus and make sure every piece is securely fastened to the other. We must constantly check with the picture to make sure each step is what is required to achieve the full picture. But most importantly we must trust God through every step of the way.

So if you are feeling overwhelmed about the many of pieces you need to make your dreams come alive, don’t feel discouraged. Nothing that beautiful or worth having comes easy after all, it takes six months to build a Rolls Royce and only 20 hours to build a Toyota Camry. Stay focused. Stay diligent. Stay building.

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