It’s been a long time since we had our weekly #Inspiremonday column and today, I am happy to share something that has been deeply inspirational to me.
As some of you may know, I recently got accepted into the Grooming for Greatness Fellowship- a fellowship which aims to create a pipeline for the next generation of African leaders. During the onboarding event, I met other fellows and different leaders. The entire experience was without sounding dramatic, life changing. There are so many lessons I could share from the event, but perhaps the most impactful would be;
I dont know if its something you’ve ever thought about, needed to hear or even cared to know. But for me, it has made a world of difference. I think, many times we are not only afraid to pursue our dreams because we are unsure about the outcome, but because we dont really believe we are deserving of the things we desire. For a long time, I have wrestled with my yearnings. With the real things I want to do with my life. I put them off till later for one excuse or the other because of fear and not knowing if I was even right/worthy to want these sorts of things for myself.
I saw myself, in some respects as lazy and a little irresponsible when I didnt feel like pursuing certain things people seemed to be pursuing. But I have learnt I have my own style, timing and ways of doing things that are particular to me and I am learning to embrace myself and style without judgement and with gentleness. Now, that doesn’t mean that I am perfect- far from it. It just means I am human, and that in itself is perfectly fine.
I don’t know what dreams you have. What keeps you up at night. What makes you smile in the covered places of your hear- but today, write it somewhere. Admit to yourself that these are the things that you want from life and let yourself run after them without shame or need for external approval. Know without a shadow of doubt, that your yearnings, hope, dreams and desires are valid and that you deserve them.
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