
#InspireMondays: No Success without Sacrifice- John Maxwell

#InspireMondays: No Success without Sacrifice- John Maxwell

We have officially crossed over into quarter 2 of 2015. I am personally at a place of re-evaluation. Re-evaluating my goals and the means of achieving them. It struck me as we celebrated Easter that sacrifice is the necessary ingredient for the achievement of my goals. It is through Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross that we now have direct access to God. Most of us have watched “The Passion”, so the extent of that sacrifice- beaten, mocked, spat on and nailed to the cross, should be known to all. But that level of sacrifice was what was required for us to enjoy the benefits of union with God-forever.

It is the same for our personal lives, goals and relationships. If you want to see real success it will cost you something! As John Maxwell says in today’s #InspireMondays Video, there is no success without sacrifice

We look at successful people with great admiration but maybe we should instead admire the level of sacrifice they have made to achieve what they have. Nothing worth having comes without some level of sacrifice. We must sacrifice the now for the tomorrow, sacrifice our time, energy, TV watching times, finances, and much more for the things we want. The level of sacrifice is possibly determinant to the level of success required. But its not only about sacrificing for your personal tomorrow, we must also sacrifice for others, for our family, children, wives, husbands, sibilings, parents, and those who we lead.


Your sacrifice, must cost you. The truth about sacrifice is, we do it every day. But we must stop and ask ourselves….are we sacrificing the right way? Are we sacrificing today for tomorrow or tomorrow for today?

As you think or look at your goals for quarter 2, ask yourself….what will I need to sacrifice to achieve these goals….then go on and do it!

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