
#InspireMonday’s: How to Practice Gratitude

#InspireMonday’s: How to Practice Gratitude

It’s Monday again. Another week to power through, raise dust and achieve amazing things. By now, most of us have our to-do lists written out. We have our plan for the week sorted, that deal we need to sign, that contact we need to make, that goal we need to reach. Some of us have probably even connected with our higher source and asked for His blessings on our plans, hopes and ambitions.

While there’s nothing wrong with any of that, I still think we need to make space in our hearts and minds to be grateful for where we are now. The problem with goal setting is we are always wishing for something, wanting something new, reaching for one more thing and we rarely have the time to celebrate or even appreciate the now. Years ago, I spent quite a lot of time praying for where I am today. And today I am praying to be somewhere else! Crazy. So where is the time to sit and appreciate the labour of the past and the achievements of the now? When I do reach and accomplish my 5 year goals, will I automatically write the plan for the next 5 and immediately start chasing  those?

I am off from work for a couple days this week and I decided to use the time to do some much needed reflection. I have a few relaxing activities lined up-one of which is running . Yes, somehow even though my legs and heart and moving quite fast, my mind manages to relax and reflect…very weird. Anyhooo…..somewhere in between my 5th and 6th kilometre brisk walk/jog it struck me that I seemed to be complaining a lot about my life lately and spending very little time (in fact none at all) being grateful. So right there and then, I thought of 10things I was grateful for and resolved to practice gratefulness instead of complaints. Here’s how I intend to achieve this.

  1. Practice saying ‘thank you’ more

It sounds silly, but many of us have forgotten our manners. We are all about taking. Even something as simple as buying food at the restaurant or collecting change requires a thank you. We are so quick and busy we forget to be courteous and grateful to people who serve or do things for us. Practicing gratitude isn’t only about being grateful to God, its about showing those around us that we are grateful for them as well.

  1. Ditch the complaining

There will always be something to complain about, your boss, your job, your salary, your weight, your spouse or even your kids. Nothing seems to be good enough for us anymore. We want more and better and we want them right now! But have we ever stopped to think that we could be the problem? Maybe we aren’t paid enough because we aren’t adding value to the company. Maybe our kids are acting out because we aren’t spending enough time with them or leading by example. Maybe our boss has a bad attitude because we keep getting to work late and never meet a deadline. Even if things really are bad….the question is what are you going to do about it? So instead of complaining, take positive action. Complaining never solved anything anyway.

  1. Practice contentment

I could write a book about this but the simple message here is to-love the life you have. No matter what we do, we only get to live once. If you don’t earn enough, learn to live within your means. If you aren’t married, fill your life with things you love, friends, travel, reading, adventure. If you don’t have your dream job, do the best you can where you are. If you’ve been waiting for a child, make renewed efforts to improve your marriage and enjoy your spouse. If you feel overweight, by your right size of clothes in your favourite colours and dress up nice. Make a conscious effort to enjoy where you are, everyday, even as you make efforts to change your circumstances. Find things you love to do and do them.

  1. Think grateful thoughts

Michael Crawford the lead character in the comedy series used to say, ‘every day I am getting better and better’. Do the same thing. Everyday, think of one thing you are grateful for and say it out loud. Appreciate  it and talk openly about it. Tell people about it and celebrate it. It could be as little as the new parking space you found or a new joint that sells cheap but really nice rice. Or it could be something as huge as a new car or your child passing their exams. Whatever it is big or small celebrate it. When you make this an active part of your life, it will surprise you just how many things you have to be grateful for.

  1. Tell God ‘thank you’ more

Years ago I loaned a driver at our office some money. He promised to pay it back in two instalments over the following two months. It wasn’t a lot of money and he seemed trustworthy. At the end of the 1st month, he brought the first instalment. I was so impressed that he kept his word, I told him not to worry about paying me the second half. I cannot explain the look on his face. He began to thank me in all the languages he was fluent in. He prayed for me and then started thanking me again. He told people about it. He came back again to thank me. I was so moved by his attitude, I gave him the first instalment. What am I saying- a grateful heart can produce bountiful results

Next time, instead of launching into your prayers with requests….take out sometime to thank God for everything He has already done.

Do you have other ways you practice gratitude? Please feel free to share! or email us on glory@inspiredbyglory.com

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