
Men’s Opinion

Would You Let Your Man Make You Up?

Men's Opinion Relationships Style & Beauty Women Talk July 9, 2015 0 Comments

If the man in your life could make you up…what sort of make up would he choose (and more importantly would you trust him to..LOL)? I just love buzz feed and their social experiments. Amidst the hilarity of their videos, there is usually a subtle narrative that reflects either our prejudices or flaws in societal thinking.  A bit like the…

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#MCM: Mark Essien Founder Hotels.ng

Be Inspired Men's Opinion July 6, 2015 0 Comments

Yay! we are excited to introduce our new feature…Man Crush Monday aka #MCM. As much as IBG is all about showcasing amazing women, doing amazing things, we cant help but notice men who are doing similar…so in the interest of gender parity….we’ve introduced this new feature which will be featured every Monday. are you crushing on a particular guy who…

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10 Tips to Improve your Marriage

Men's Opinion Relationships Women Talk June 19, 2015 0 Comments

All relationships need TLC- whether its an old friendship, sibling or romantic relationship. Perhaps one of the most important relationship which will require lifelong nurturing is a marriage. We spotted this article on one of our fav sites huffington post and we loved the sincerity of the advice.  Louise Chapman, writes from her perspective as a wife and shares from her own experiences…

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#HeforShe: Why Men Should Support Feminism

Be Inspired Men's Opinion September 26, 2014 0 Comments

“If men don’t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted, women won’t feel the need to be submissive” “If men don’t have to have control then women won’t need to be controlled.” Emma Watson, UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador delivered this moving speech at the UN Headquarters in New York on September 20, 2014. Her speech is a…

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#InspireMondays: Tyler Perry: ‘Do Not Stop Believing’…

Be Inspired Master Class Men's Opinion September 1, 2014 1 Comments

Its the first day of the month of September, only 4 months left of year 2014. I don’t know what hopes, aspirations or goals you set for yourself this year or if you have achieved them. I only know one thing, no matter the circumstance you must continue to believe in yourself. Tyler Perry is an actor, producer, writer and…

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#inspiremondays: Never Give Up…..Never! by Raymond Njoku

Be Inspired Men's Opinion July 14, 2014 0 Comments

The road to success is paved in gold! LIESSSS Truth is success requires a spirit of doggedness, bouncing back from failures and a lonely trip on the road less traveled. While we are always quick to celebrate the successful, its refreshing when they are honest about their humble beginnings and less than successful first steps. For many, Jason Njoku,  the…

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Survivor Vs Ms Independent by Wale Adetula

Men's Opinion Relationships June 27, 2014 1 Comments

Those who don’t understand her (perhaps) prefer the derogatory term used for the female gender of the canine clan. Whichever you chose, the fact remains the world has come to acknowledge the continuous development of a new breed of women or the mere evolution of a gender from its emotional, submissive ancestral background to a liberal, independent and perhaps, dominating…

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