
#WCW- Titilope Sonuga

#WCW- Titilope Sonuga

Maybe its because I love words. The simplicity of letters thrown together can mean volumes. Or maybe its because I’m searching for purpose and somehow I can sense when someone else has found theirs, or is, at least, at the brink of it. But there are many things I know for sure and one of them is that Titilope Sonuga was born for a time like this.

A time when everything seems false and only few people remain true. A time where we have masqueraded ourselves as things we are not and just a handful are brave enough to stay vulnerable. Authenticity is not a buzz word. Yet Titilope manages to create meaning by what she stands for and who she is.


The first time I met Titilope was at Bogobiri. She was reciting her infamous poem ‘Things I know for Sure’. And I wondered about this girl that was telling my life with her words. Then, a few months later,  I listened backstage as she gave an interview to one of my closest friends. In this interview Titilope told her story of how she left what many would term as stability for uncertainty. And that was when I understood that to be someone, I mean to be THAT someone you have been called, even created to become,  you may have to live through both the fire and the fear. And it is that fire and fear that births authenticity and purpose.


So when we all watched Titilope recite her poem on Inaguration day….. When we watch her on Gidi Up and watch her change lives and perception through the ‘she will connect’ programme with Intel, and other future amazing feats we have no doubt she will accomplish, do not wonder how she got there.


Don’t marvel and make comments about an over night success, or ooh and ahh about her braids, make up or sense of style,  as we have all become so accustomed to doing. But let Titilpoe become a beacon that lights the path through the road less travelled. Allow her story of chasing purpose at all costs, to draw you closer to yours and above all else let her journey teach you that there is nothing to fear on the path that leads to destiny.

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1 Comment

  • olatoun August 7, 2015 7:36 am


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