So you’ve been at your current job for years, slaving away without a promotion in sight. Everyone else who got employed at the same time as you, has gone up the ladder, but you havent moved an inch. You feel you are meeting all your targets and putting in your best, so what could be holding you back? Well in this article written by Beth Braverman for, here are some reasons why a promotion may have slipped you by as well as some helpful tips on how to correct the situation.
You’re scared to go for it.Hero Images/Getty Images
What you should do: Doing some homework can make it less intimidating to approach your boss and tell her why you deserve a promotion. Create and practice talking points with a friend, so that you go into the meeting prepared and confident. Then, ask that friend to check in with you to find out how the meeting went. Knowing you’ll have to report back may make you less likely to chicken out.
What you should do: Make an effort to chat with not only those you know but also new officemates or folks from different departments. “That’s often where you can increase your visibility and find out good information about what’s happening across the company,” says Penny Locey, vice president and career development specialist at Keystone Associates. “As you move up the ladder, one of the key skills people are looking for is the ability to collaborate and maintain effective relationships cross-functionally.”
What you should do: Find a company leader in a position that you’d like to be in someday and emulate her actions. Communicating authority can be particularly tough for young women, whose speech patterns may make them seem more junior than they are, says Tara Mohr, the author of Playing Big: Practical Wisdom for Women Who Want to Speak Up, Create, and Lead. Make sure you’re not undermining your own credibility by starting sentences with “I’m sorry, but…” or raising your pitch at the end of a sentence to make it sound like a question, Mohr says. Taking an improv or public-speaking class can give you confidence and poise and help eliminate such habits.
What you should do: career expert Vicki Salemi suggests writing down everything your boss said in the meeting so that you can return to it later when your emotions have cooled down. Then, make an action plan to address any issues. “Sometimes getting negative feedback can be a really good thing — when you focus on improving, your next conversation with your boss can be centered around how you took something negative and turned it into a positive,” she says. “You were in action mode, and you listened to their input, which is going to help you in your career in the long-term, beyond this current role.”
What you should do: “It’s always good to be taking interviews so that you know what opportunities are out there, and so you’re confident in your own value the next time an opportunity for advancement comes up, whether or not it’s at your current company,” says Nicole Williams, founder and CEO of Works, a consulting firm aimed at helping women move forward in their careers.
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